How I met Angular👽
So this is kind of a rant in a way and also my view of what I think of Angular in general and lastly what I know about this framework.
A bit of a background of how I came to even work with Angular. I was fortunate enough to get employment during my second year (2018) University December holiday. The holiday is basically three months, we generally finish at the beginning of November (exams and everything else including lectures) but the official University closing date is in December and open towards the end of January and the official commencement of lectures is at the beginning of February. So I was one of the three intern software developers. Boy was I excite😄😎!!

My project
Fast forwarding to the time we were assigned our projects as interns and knowing the stack we will be using. At this point, my excitement is overflowing. I got my project and I was working on Integrating Google JavaScript map API into an in-house software, some of the features I incorporated were marker clustering, Geolocation and a few others. The main part I implemented was the address search autocomplete functionality
The road got steeper
The real problems came. Firstly, I knew absolutely zilch about Angular nor did I know how everything works together in the system. Secondly, the code was waaaay above my mediocre level of programming. I think I read so much documentation than I have done in the past two years of University in a matter of two months. I must commend Google though, they have very clear and comprehensible documentation with clear code examples.
Summary and lesson learnt
I haven't understood Angular but I understand the concept behind why there's components, modules and why would anybody choose Angular any project. Two things I can say I have learnt. One, understand your code and two, work on more projects to understand the framework
The road got steeper
The real problems came. Firstly, I knew absolutely zilch about Angular nor did I know how everything works together in the system. Secondly, the code was waaaay above my mediocre level of programming. I think I read so much documentation than I have done in the past two years of University in a matter of two months. I must commend Google though, they have very clear and comprehensible documentation with clear code examples.
Summary and lesson learnt
I haven't understood Angular but I understand the concept behind why there's components, modules and why would anybody choose Angular any project. Two things I can say I have learnt. One, understand your code and two, work on more projects to understand the framework
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